Summertime 2022

When my kids started school, I felt so bummed that I was now constricted by a school break schedule.  We’ve adjusted over the years and I’ve become accustomed to the daily school routine. 

But when we start to plan our summer break, it just never seems long enough to do all the things. 

This summer became a bit more jam packed than anticipated with a couple surgeries and a few viruses in between our planned trips.  

We spent days home watching movies, swimming in my parents’ pool, jumping at the trampoline park, completing craft projects, and baking cupcakes.

Of course, I spent time loads of time listening to my children tell me how bored they are, arguing with one another, and negotiating with me for one thing or another.  But ya know, balance, right?

My husband and I travel on our anniversary in June- this year we headed to Seattle while the children went to grandparent camp up in Prescott.  While we wandered the big city, they swam and ate their weight in ice cream.

At the end of June, I brought my son to Boston for a mommy-son trip.  I had a mental crisis earlier this year when I realized that in four short years, he’s going to be 12… and I just wanted to soak in time with him while he’s still “little”.  I spent a couple of years in Boston in my early twenties and the city holds a super special place in my heart.  I could not wait to show him around and let him experience what a big city feels like.  

We wandered the streets- I pretended to know some history, we found cool shops, hit up the small city parks, and took the subway around.  Our first evening, we went to a Red Sox Game at the Green Monster- have you even visited Boston if you didn’t go to a Sox game???  Gosh, I love the energy of that stadium. 

The second day we explored some more and went to their Children’s Museum. 

And on the final day we went whale watching at the whale sanctuary off the coast of Cape Cod.  I swear we saw over 20 whales.  It was an incredible experience to see humpback whales moving through the water. The final night, I brought him to Mamma Maria for a fancy dinner.  I waitressed there through grad school and dove into the rabbit pappardelle that I had been craving for years.  Owen had his first Shirley Temple and couldn’t get over why a restaurant would have white tablecloths on the tables!

And finally, our trip to Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.  Owen boogie-boarded and rode the waves while Elise collected shells and eventually decided to splash in the waves. 

And just like that Summer 2022 came to a close. 

Of course, it is Phoenix, so the heat will stick around for the next few months, but it’s back to the grind for this family.  Bring on the school year!


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